Dyslexia: Symptoms, Characteristics, and Remediation


Dyslexia is a sort of learning disorder that causes otherwise intelligent people to have difficulty comprehending written language. The condition affects two to five percent of the population, including almost half of all pupils categorized as learning handicapped. The etiology of dyslexia has yet to be identified. There is presently no treatment for the illness, which endures throughout maturity.

Fortunately for parents, loads of aid and support are available. Special Ed Resource provides online dyslexia tutoring based on research and dyslexic features.

Characteristics of Dyslexia

Several sorts of learning difficulties exist. When giving remediation, it is important to distinguish between dyslexia and other forms of learning difficulties. Numerous remediation strategies have been presented by researchers and educators.

Dyslexia was originally noticed by scholars Dejerine (1882) and Bastian (1898). They discovered some congenital (at birth) neurological abnormalities, laying the framework for future study. The distinctions seen between the various issues have assisted professionals in identifying three sub-types of dyslexia:

  1. Visual dis-phonetics (eyes, vision)
  2. Auditory linguistic dis-phonetic
  3. A mixed type with symptoms from both

Some people have reading difficulty due to external eye muscle diseases that are classified as dyslexic, however, this is the exception rather than the rule.

What’s It Like to Be Dyslexic?

Victims say they have problems breaking down words into sounds. Parts of words do not appear to fit together. They need to hear the term said first. They do not perceive “words backward,” but they frequently reverse particular letters and numbers, such as 6 and 9, or b and d.

Early Symptoms of Dyslexia

Even if your kid has not yet learned to read, they may exhibit the following signs by the age of three.

  • Delays in Speech and Language Development
  • difficulties with time and space ideas.
  • Distractions might cause memory issues.
  • Having problems copying words
  • Symptoms may include problems with spelling, writing, reading, and arithmetic, as well as hyperactivity.
  • disorganized
  • Teaching Strategies for Dyslexia
  • To alleviate typical dyslexia symptoms, Special Ed Resource recommends pleasant reading exercises like the ones below.
  • Rhyming Story Time
  • Rhyming helps dyslexic kids become aware of phonemes and understand the relationship between letters and sounds. Read your youngster a picture book with lots of rhymes. Name the rhyming terms and then help brainstorm other words that rhyme with the pair.
  • Magnetic words
  • Tactile exercises help dyslexic pupils. Give your youngster a magnetic board and magnetic letters, then shout out basic sentences for them to construct with the magnets. This will allow children to reference various letters both visually and tactilely. Another variant of this exercise is to give the child a tray of sand and have them trace the letters in it.

Letter art

Children learning letter recognition will benefit from creating their own visual aids. Assign them a letter to paint or sketch. Encourage children to be creative. Older kids who know their letters can demonstrate vocabulary words.


Although dyslexia is a lifelong affliction, students can achieve academic achievement. Special Ed Resource offers online instruction, parent advocacy, and homeschooling aid. Call now for a consultation.