Everything You Need To Know About Kindergarten Registration At Linbrook


Your rug rat is getting ready to embark on a new adventure: kindergarten! However, before you can take your child into a classroom for the first time, you must first figure out how to register your child. Our step-by-step instructions will walk you through the entire procedure. Continue reading to find out the kindergarten registration process and why you should choose Linbrook School.

What Exactly Is The Point Of Kindergarten?

Kindergarten, sometimes known as preschool, is an essential step in education. Children are exposed to new experiences through classroom games and activities, which help them learn to do the following:

  • Make it easier to communicate.
  • Make friends with others.
  • Make a statement about who they are.
  • Improve your fine motor skills.
  • Complete activities.

Did you know that kindergarten for 4-year-olds is optional, whereas kindergarten for 5-year-olds is required for the public school system?

Collect The Necessary Forms

On registration day, you’ll need to hand over a few formal documents to the school representative. The majority of schools require the following:

  • The child’s original birth certificate
  • Proof of residence documents that include the name and address of the parent or guardian

Your Child Should Be Registered

For all children who turn 4 or 5 before October 1 of the next school year, registration takes place in February or March (dates vary per school). The procedure is straightforward:

  • Make contact with the kindergarten’s administration.
  • Make an appointment for your child to be registered.
  • On the agreed-upon date and time, meet with the school.
  • Please provide all relevant documentation.
  • Keep a lookout for school-related correspondence.

Consider School Transportation

Soon, you’ll have to consider how your child will get to and from school. Ask yourself the following questions as you go through the registration process:

  • Is my child going to ride the bus?
  • Will they be able to walk to school?
  • If they walk to school, who will accompany them?

Take A Look At The School’s Daycare Services

For a price, all schools provide a daycare service. It’s never too early to start thinking about whether or not you’ll need to use it:

  • Before going to school
  • During lunchtime
  • Following school
  • Make sure your child is ready.

Many things may be done to help your child prepare for kindergarten while stimulating their interest in learning. Listed below are a few examples:

  • Could you bring them to their future school?
  • Playing at the park.
  • Visit the library in your neighbourhood.
  • Storybooks should be read.
  • Make games using sounds, numbers, and letters.
  • Encourage your child to communicate his or her emotions.
  • Assist them in gaining independence.
  • Congratulate them on their efforts, positive reinforcement works wonders.

The Initial Step In A Linbrook Boy’s Education Is Kindergarten

To ensure a happy start to the day, our two Kindergarten teachers and educational assistant begin with familiar rituals.

The Kindergarten classroom is often buzzing with activity. The curriculum is based on physical activity. Our teachers engage the boys in hands-on learning activities so that by the conclusion of Senior Kindergarten, they will be fluent readers. Science is a favourite subject for the boys because they may build a beaver dam, build boats, and grow beans to learn about the water and soil cycle. Our youngest students have their own play space at recess to keep them safe and entertained. They also have numerous opportunities to participate in the school’s greater culture. Last year, for example, our Kindergarten children assisted in constructing a model city alongside the other grades. Furthermore, initiatives like Linbrook Buddies link each child with an older student to help them improve their reading abilities and provide them with invaluable experiences while forging new friendships.

Now Is The Time To Apply

If you’d like to apply for your son to attend Linbrook, please fill out this online form.

If you haven’t already contacted us, our Office Administrator will contact you when the form is received. You can schedule a tour or inquire about upcoming Open House dates at this time.